Here, I share resources I find useful about Statistics, Data Science, Machine Learning and other topics. I will do my best to keep it up to date, so stay tunned!
- Basic Statistics: D.M. Levine, P.P. Ramsey, R.K. Smidt; “Applied Statistics for engineers and scientists”, 2001, Prentice-Hall
- Basic Statistical Learning: James, G.; Witten, D.; Hastie, T.; Tibshirani, R.; “An Introduction to Statistical Learning”, Springer
- Statistical Learning: Hastie,T.; Tibshirani, R.; Friedman, J.;“The Elements of Statistical Learning - Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction”, Springer
- Learning Python - Corey Schafer: Corey Schafer
- Learning Statistical Learning methods - StatQuest: StatQuest
Online Courses:
- Machine Learning (Coursera): Machine Learning
- Python and Basic Data Science (Udemy/Portuguese):Python for Data Science in Portuguese
- SQL for Data Science: UC Davis - SQL
- Deep Learning (Coursera): AndrewNg
- Machine Learning Repository: UCI
- Google Dataset search:
- Open ML: OpenML
- Kaggle: Kaggle
Social Media:
- Welcome ai: Welcome ai
- Flai Inteligencia Artificial (in Portuguese): Flai
Network (Only if you live in Calgary):
- YYC Data Community:
Extra websites:
- Learning Markdown: Tutorial
- Dealing with problems using Git: Oh Shit!
- Great general reading material: Towards data science